Friday 14 April 2017

बडे ही काम के दादी मां के ये 11 घरेलू नुस्‍खे - SOME TRADITIONAL HOME REMEDIES :

बडे ही काम के दादी मां के ये 11 घरेलू नुस्‍खे - SOME TRADITIONAL HOME REMEDIES :
 कोई भी बीमारी हो उसके लिये सबसे बेहतर घरेलू नुस्‍खे ही रहते हैं। चाहे तो सिर में दर्द हो या फिर हाई बीपी की समस्‍या हो, घर की रसोई में रखे मसाले हर वक्‍त काम आ जाते हैं। आज कल बहुत ही कम लोग हैं जो घरेलू नुस्‍खे आजमाते हैं मगर दोस्‍तों अगर पुराने जमाने की बात की जाए तो हमारी दादी - नानी इन्‍हीं के भरोसे अपनी पूरी जिंदगी काट लेती थीं।
आप भी आजमा सकते हैं हमारे दिये गए इन घरेलू नुस्‍खों को, जो हैं बडे़ ही काम की चीज़। पर हां, इन नुस्‍खों से अगर आपको कोई तकलीफ होती है तो इसे तुरंत ही छोड़ दें क्‍योंकि हर चीज़ हर किसी को सूट नहीं करती।

तो आइये जानते हैं उपयोगी घरेलू नुस्‍खों के बारे में :
1) मासिक धर्म दर्द
एक गिलास ठंडे पानी में 2-3 नींबू निचोड़ कर रोज पीने से राहत मिलती है।
2) तेज सिरदर्द
सेब को छील कर बारीक काटें। उसमें थोड़ा सा नमक मिला कर सुबह खाली पेट खाएं।
3) पेट फूलना
1/4 चम्‍मच बेकिंग सोडा पानी में मिला कर पियें।
4) गले की खराश
2-3 तुलसी की पत्‍ती को पानी में उाबलें और उस पानी से गरारा करें।
5) मुंह का अल्‍सर
पका केला और शहद मिला कर खाने से तुरंत राहत मिलती है। या फिर इसे पेस्‍ट बना कर भी मुंह में लगाया जा सकता है।
6) हाई बी पी
3 ग्राम मेथी दाना पावडर सुबह-शाम पानी के साथ लें। इसे पंद्रह दिनों तक लेने से लाभ मालूम होता है। यह डायबिटीज में भी लाभकारी है।
7) अस्‍थमा
आधा चम्‍मच दालचीनी पावडर को एक चम्‍मच शहद के साथ मिक्‍स कर के रात में सोने से पहले खाएं।
8) रूसी
कपूर और नारियल तेल लगाएं। इसे रोज रात को सोने से पहले भी लगाया जा सकता है।
9) बालों का सफेद होना
सूखा आंवले को बीच से काट कर नारियल तेल में उबालें और फिर उसी तेल से सिर की मालिश करें।
10) डार्क सर्कल
संतरे के रस को ग्‍लीसरीन के साथ मिक्‍स कर के आंखों के नीचे लगाएं।
11) शरीर पर जलना
शरीर पर कहीं जल गया हो, तेज धूप से त्वचा झुलस गई हो, त्वचा पर झुर्रियां हों या कोई त्वचा रोग हो तो कच्चे आलू का रस निकालकर लगाने से फायदा होता है.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Natural Dry Fruit Whey & Milk Protein Powder

Natural Dry Fruit Whey & Milk Protein Powder

For people looking to gain muscle weight, lose fat or both through workouts, it is always recommended to add protein to their diet. This protein can be obtained through food with meat, eggs, milk etc. But as most fitness experts will say, the protein obtained through regular food is never enough to help meet the goal of gaining muscle weight or losing fat. Therefore, protein supplements and shakes are recommended to be used along with the regular food.

Over the last few years, individual protein sources like whey have become very popular for this purpose. But recent studies have shown that using a blend of protein derived from multiple sources can be more beneficial for achieving desired goals like increasing muscle mass/fat loss, gaining strength and even for recovery. This is because protein blends provide you with a full spectrum of proteins that gives you varying absorption rates from the different types of protein. Whey protein with its quick absorption rate will give fast release and uptake of amino acids while other proteins like casein will provide a slower and long lasting release of amino acids. Therefore, this combination when taken between work outs (recovery time) could help provide better muscle growth.
Purayati Natural Dry Fruit Whey & Milk Protein powder has been formulated with this in mind and has protein mainly derived from Whey, Casein and Dry fruits. The dry fruits are added to improve the taste and make the experience of consuming protein shakes more likable. With actual dry fruit pieces available in the drink and the combination of natural cocoa powder, this protein powder becomes a great tasty option for you. No artificial flavours of any kind have been added.
To make the protein shake healthier, No sugar has been added to the product. No artificial sweeteners either. The natural Stevia Sweetener has instead been opted for Sweetening. So, from the benefits of using protein blends to the absence of chemical sweeteners and artificial flavours, we believe that this protein powder that gives you 50% protein content per serving is an ideal product to combine with your work out.
This product has been manufactured at a well-equipped FSSAI and ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturing plant which ensures you get a high quality and efficacious product that you can use to help meet your dietary requirements.

Friday 24 February 2017

Purayati Vitamin D3 2000 IU

Vitamin D deficiency was rare for our ancestors who worked in sunny fields. But as work shifted from farms to offices, that changed.
How it works- When the ultraviolet B (UVB) ray in the sunlight hits the bare skin, a chemical within (7-dehydrocholestrol) is converted to produce vitamin D3, which is carried to your liver and then the kidney to transform it into active vitamin D. This plays a major role in keeping our bones healthy by increasing intestinal calcium absorption, reducing inflammation, enhancing the lifecycle of cells, immune system and neuromuscular function.
 A typical day of a working individual puts him/her indoors at the best possible time to receive vitamin D from the sun, that is, between 10 AM to 3 PM. You cannot get UVB rays through the window of your car, office or home as it cannot penetrate through glass. Studies suggest that to get enough vitamin D one should be in the sun for 10 to 30 minutes depending on various factors, at least twice a week.
Factors that influence amount of vitamin D produced by the skin:
  • Skin exposure- ensure at least face, arms, legs, or back is exposed to the sun.
  • Sunscreen with SPF 8 or higher blocks UVB rays.
  • Cloud coverage can reduce UVB energy up to 50%.
  • Pollution can reduce UVB energy by up to 60%
  • Melanin- Darker skin takes up to 6 times longer than paler skin to produce vitamin D.
  • Where you live- If you live far from the equator it makes it difficult for the skin to produce vitamin D during winter.
Although sun exposure is the best source of vitamin D, it can be dangerous if you are overexposed leading to skin cancers, malignant melanomas as well as wrinkles and premature skin aging. But vitamin D production might not be enough if you are underexposed. Therefore, we must turn towards food and supplements. Food sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, swordfish, salmon, tuna, egg yolk and fortified food such as milk, orange juice, cereal etc. However, these do not fulfill the daily requirement of vitamin D which is why most people require supplementation. The recommended dosage of Vitamin D3 is between 2000-6000 IU/day depending on the age of a person. Get your optimal intake of Vitamin D3 through Purayati’s Vitamin D3 2000 IU tablets which has the right amount of dosage considering what you might already be getting through food and a bit of exposure to the sun.